Temptation came to visit one day.
He wanted to know if he could visit or perhaps stay.
Temptation, Temptation, I do not know.
Temptation replied, “Let me stay, please. I have much to show.
Life can be so dull when there is nothing to do.
Please let me spend the day with you.”
Temptation, Temptation that sounds risky at best;
Is this a test?
It is no test, and you will see.
It is learning how to have fun before eternity.
The last time you visited, God had an escape for me.
He did not want me to sin.
Temptation, you are not my friend.
Mainly when you entice me to sin;
Go away, and never come back again.
If you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!
November 5, 2022 at 3:04 amThe rhyming and words are so well put together!
Laura Lee Brownton
November 5, 2022 at 4:29 amA humbling reminder to trust in the Lord and rather than worldly things.
November 5, 2022 at 3:33 pmRemind yourself to stay in the Lord’s path ann pray the sin and temptation away and stay positive. It is easy to fall into that trap but God is always there to catch us when we need him
November 5, 2022 at 4:25 pmI had to think on this question for a bit. exploring how mature Christians face temptations I realize we face many temptations daily, often small in nature but temptations non the less. We must stand and when we have done all we can do we must keep standing. This may mean forgiving ourselves and bracing our stance to lean intentionally on the Word of God.
Stella Louise
November 8, 2022 at 4:16 amThank you, for this reminder. Sometimes I forget how often I am tempted.