Anger Fruit of the Spirit Matthew 5:21-26 Anger unchecked toward others will consume your heart. It will make you want to strike back and rip them apart. People’s tendencies need to be controlled. Because unchecked anger can cause someone to lose their soul; This uncontrolled anger needs to be replaced. God will help you not to strike back as He give you His grace. The Holy Spirit will empower you with love, joy, and peace so anger can be replaced……
Bible John 8:31-47 Do not let Satan make a fool out of you; he is the father of all lies, for this is the absolute truth. “He was a murderer from the beginning” (John 8:44) and will be one to the end. Satan wants to fill your life with lies to sin. He wants you to believe all he says is true and wants all his evil work to be done by you. Now, stop and think of all…..
Patience Fruit of the Spirit/Trust In God Jeremiah 29:4-14 Faith in God and keeping His promise will help you be patient and wait. You need to know how to handle doubt when it interferes with your fate. In seasons of waiting, you may think God is not doing anything because nothing is taking place. Thinking this way is a mistake because it does not show faith. The empowerment of the Holy Spirit helps your patience to grow. God is the…..
Wisdom James 4:13-17 In your life, do you have the assumption that you are the one who is in control? Thinking you are the one who decides how, when, where, and what things will unfold because you have planned all the goals? You’re sure all your plans will succeed. Your plans give you confidence with a guarantee. Is this clever thinking that you need to heed? Because life is brief, fragile, and quick to end; Worldly thinking will lead to…..
God’s Love Sin Luke 15:11-13; 17-24 My Father allowed me to have what my heart craved. When I got what I wanted, I badly misbehaved. When I gave in to my desires, I became enslaved. My sinful desires did me in. It caused me to sin. I must confess; my life was a mess. I repented of my shame. Then I called out Jesus’ name. He has forgiven me for what I had done. I am grateful to be loved…..
Grief Suffering /Tragedy Job 1:13-22 We live in a broken world where tragedy and suffering are real. Everyone processes a crisis differently; however, it does not change the fact it is an ordeal. People process the struggle and emotions in many ways that are not the same. God understands this and welcomes grieving with honesty and vulnerability; in doing so, there is no shame. The sorrow can feel endless and unbearable, and He won’t change because being compassionate is His…..
Evangelism God’s Care Mark 1:16–22 Your life has a purpose; that is why you are here. Value yourself because to Jesus Christ; you are very dear. When you are living your life for Him, there is something He wants you to do. Being a witness as someone whose life He has transformed and is living proof of the truth. The truth of faith and belief of why Jesus has died for you. As a believer in…..
Spiritual warfare John 8:39-47 How often does the devil speak to you? Why do you listen when what he has to say is not the truth? When you are reminded not to listen to the devil, the liar; Your response is reflected in the thought, “you’re preaching to the choir.” He is the enemy of Believers in Christ, who presents temptation as no big deal. He makes you think everyone’s doing it; if you don’t, you should feel like a…..
LIVING WATER Christ Holy Spirit John 7:37-39 Do you need to be refreshed with a drink that will revive you? Do you need to be restored from a thirst that needs to be quenched, which makes you feel renewed? It would help you if you were restored when life leaves you weary. When there are areas of your life that leave you parched or dehydrated, dry, and dreary; You need the Living Water that only Jesus can give. The Living…..
God’s Love and Care Mark 8:34-38 You must choose wisely regarding life’s significant decision to follow Christ. To follow Christ as His disciple comes with a price. It causes you to deny yourself daily to live for Christ. It is deciding to put your desires aside; When you are living for Christ, He can’t be denied. Temptation wants you to pursue things that, at the time, may seem the right or best thing to do. However, it could be a…..