Trust in God Hebrews 10:32–11:6 How may I please God today? How may I please Him in what I do and what I say? Faith is the only way God wants to be pleased. Having faith in Him while praying on my knees; Keeping my faith in God should never cease. Faith is what I believe even though I cannot see; It is having confidence, hope, and assurance that God will be right there for me. I must persevere by…..
Trust in God Matthew 8:23–28 When the storms of life come your way, what do you do? When are you confronted with the uncertainties of life, whom do you turn to? Do you wait to listen to see what God will do for you? He will do amazing things, Because He is the King of Kings. As you sail through the storms of life, Let Him navigate you through the course that is right; He knows what to do, and…..
Contentment Psalm 73:21-28 What will quiet a restless soul? Contentment should be the goal. What will satisfy a longing heart that needs to be quenched? Contentment needs to be clenched. Let the LORD be your portion, and satisfaction you will find. As you grow closer to Him, He will continue to be on your mind. There is, and there will not be, anything on this earth that can give you complete satisfaction. Being satisfied with God, contentment will always be…..
Forgiving Others Reconciliation/Relationships Proverbs 15:1-7 “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” (Proverbs 15:1). What does this mean? It is choosing to use words that will eliminate conflict, which is effective, like a vaccine. The power of chosen words is essential in how we use our tongues. People hold on to powerful statements of positive or negative words like a song being sung. Words reflect what has been stored in the heart. They are…..
Addictions Eternal Life/Forgiveness of Sin Titus 2:11-14 HELP!! Jesus, Help! I can’t do this by myself. I can’t call on anyone else. I need hope because I don’t know how to cope. I’m desperate; please change my life today. My sins are so many; I have become addicted to the enticement of worldliness that affects my life night and day. My lifestyle has become so destructive; Jesus, please set me free. It is not who I want to be. My…..
I can’t believe you are saying this to me. Humility Proverbs 15:30-33 To take criticism takes work to receive. Hearing it is not something you want to believe. However, having the right attitude will not give you heartache. On the other hand, praise is what we desire to hear. Praise will always entice us to give a listening ear. They are words that sing songs that are sweet and dear. Receiving praise and criticism should be received and accepted as…..
Suffering God’s Care John 14:15–21 While on life’s journey, the road ahead I cannot always see; I have no idea what will be ahead of me. Whatever I may encounter, I know as I trust in Jesus, He will be there; Because He truly cares. On the road of life’s journey, there may be mountains, valleys, and rivers with challenges waiting for me. I will call out to the Lord Jesus for directions so that I can see. I need…..
Conflict and Confrontation Holiness Matthew 26:47-56 You once called me a friend. However, that relationship has come to an end. You became disloyal when you gave me a Judas kiss. I do not want to reminisce about it because the relationship has become remiss. Nonetheless, I will think about Jesus’ purpose in this. You see me as your enemy, but I will love you as a friend. I will return evil with kindness, so evil can’t win. Getting even is…..
Christ’s Return Living For Christ Matthew 24:36-44 Life’s clock is going tick, tick, tick. Believers in Christ should make every moment count because Christ’s return will be quick. No one knows what moment of His return or when they will be summoned because their time is finished living on this earth. He wants them to understand that they must be prepared and keep watch because of their spiritual rebirth. Be ready, be ready, because no one knows when Christ will…..
Temptation 1 Corinthians 10:1–13 Temptation came to visit one day. He wanted to know if he could visit or perhaps stay. Temptation, Temptation, I do not know. Temptation replied, “Let me stay, please. I have much to show. Life can be so dull when there is nothing to do. Please let me spend the day with you.” Temptation, Temptation that sounds risky at best; Is this a test? It is no test, and you will see. It is learning…..