To live in this world today, you will need wisdom; to get wisdom, you must get on your knees and pray.
Because wisdom is grown in the rich soil of the hardship of life,
You will need God’s grace to face a life of sacrifice.
You will learn that life trials can be overwhelming each day;
You must learn how to rest in God’s grace and learn how to pray.
When you ask God for wisdom, you must believe that you will receive;
Do not doubt because it will lead you to be deceived.
This will cause you to be like the waves of the sea;
You will be tossed to and fro,
Not knowing what to do in life as you go.
Trials in life will feel dark; however, as time goes on,
God’s grace will be a reflection of the Light through Jesus Christ, His holy Son.
God’s grace and wisdom are here to help you go through the trials of life.